This family was awesome. That basically sums it up. These boys have the kind of energy I LOVE when I photograph family sessions. They love life. A love they clearly learned from their awesome, laughter-loving parents. Between their sweet energy and love of laughter, this was one family session that was right up my ally. We picked a mostly-cold, super windy day to tromp around Utah Lake. Lots of folks would have been stressed out, but not this family. This family skipped, jumped, hugged, splashed in the water, threw rocks, and snuggled with the best of them. They are one of those families, that after an awesome photo session, you just can’t help but walk away smiling. They’re that contagious. So, to brighten your day, here is the fun-loving Youngberg family.
-heart- you guys :)
Not gonna lie, I have my fingers crossed that these are the four photos that make it up on the wall. :)
Thank you, Youngbergs, for such a fun afternoon!! You guys rock. Like for real.