The Blands
Fall Family Portraits

The minute I met this family, I liked them. Kelli’s sweet yet spunky demeanor, Peter’s laugh, and the sheer adorableness of these kiddos. Between the red curly head and the baby mullet I just can’t help it. They are SO cute! And I love the brother love going on here.


They picked the PERFECT fall day for this shoot. It wasn’t freezing, there was a bit of crisp in the air to make it feel like fall, but the sun warmed our cheeks, and made those fall leaves just pop. So, naturally, there needed to be a race through the weeds and orange-ish yellow that is so wonderfully fall in the mountains. Because, really, who doesn’t love a run through the leaves?


Love how these guys interact. They are just so full of joy, their fun and laughter is contagious. Don’t they just make you want to pop into these pictures with them and run around in the fallness?


We were going to sneak in a few of just Peter & Kelli – and the boys decided they wanted in on the fun


But, don’t worry – we got some… I LOVE how Peter can make her laugh, and the love the share.


Thank you Blands for such a fun evening! Hugs!

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Fall Family Portraits”