Tag: personal
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Shrimp & Veggies in a White Wine SauceLately, I’ve been running into a serious mental cramp when I try to plan out dinners. Garett and I have pretty different tastes, so sometimes thinking of something that we might both like, is relatively healthy, and super tasty, makes my brain hurt. Especially a whole week of said meals. And ones that don’t take forever…
Newest Addition
Gus GusOnce upon a time there was the best dog EVER. Like seriously, he’s not really a dog, he’s more of a human trapped in a dog’s body. And like the cutest little dog-child ever. Oh, yes, but back to the story… once upon a time there was the best dog EVER. He was a little…
I make homes.
at least I like watching my hot hubby do soGarett’s long time dream has been to build his own home. The one problem being, he married this gal that likes to live in the city, not on that far far away edges of town where one may build new homes. So, compromise struck, and we bought this adorable yellow brick house just outside of…