Category: Pinterest Addict
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Shrimp & Veggies in a White Wine SauceLately, I’ve been running into a serious mental cramp when I try to plan out dinners. Garett and I have pretty different tastes, so sometimes thinking of something that we might both like, is relatively healthy, and super tasty, makes my brain hurt. Especially a whole week of said meals. And ones that don’t take forever…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Natural & Brilliant
Homemade Laundry DetergentLaundry detergent is always a little more than I’d like. Because, mostly, I’d like to be buying Meyers or some other such organic brand. Because I’m one of those fortunate people whose skin cares. But I just can’t quite bring myself to pay that much more for soap. Then…. I happened upon this recipe for…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
The Best Part
Coconut CustardI’ve made the confession on my photographer’s bio page that I love sharing a table with friends. I love the comoradorie that sitting down to a tasty dinner, or fabulous glass of wine, provides to a friendship. There is just something about the soft glow of dinner lights, experiencing a delicious meal or glass of…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Appetizers and Snacks
Roasted StrawberriesOn this rainy fall day in Salt Lake City, I thought it’d be fun to preserve a little of summer. (That, and it was the first day that was actually cool enough in my house to even think about having the oven on at all, let alone for four hours.) So, I thought I’d try…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Summer Squash GaletteAs summer is winding down, there still remains – loads and loads of summer squash. Unfortunately, I did not have time for a garden this year; but, thankfully I have fabulous neighbors and family that have amazing gardens. I haven’t had to buy squash in forever. Plus, I LOVE summer squash. Like I could eat…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Been There, Loved It
California Central ValleyWhile scouring the images of pinterest, I started quite the collection of “places I want to go” images. I’ve always loved travel. Love to see new things and experience new places. So I kept dreaming. And this little heart started to get discontent. I want to go there…. and there, and there, and…. So, I…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
The Best Part
Quest for the Perfect Peach PiePeach Pie. The essence of summer. I especially love going to Salt Lake’s Saturday morning Farmer’s Market and finding tree-ripe peaches. The kind that are so juicy you have to eat them in your backyard. Summer time peaches. And what better way to enjoy this fruit of summer, than in the perfect peach pie? Only…
Rantings of a Pinterest Addict
Utah Lovin’
Snowbird Resort Brunch & HikeScanning through glossy pages filled with gorgeous pictures… cutting (not so) carefully around each beautiful photograph… and then stashing those great images in folders, or pinning them to already designed inspiration boards… ah, the good old days of high school when I actually had time to engulf myself in a magazine. :) Now when I’m…